The Most Important Steps

I am not sure what your current occupation is, but you should be considering becoming a Social Media Entrepreneur and Millionaire. With the right tools and knowledge, it’s possible to make $1000-$2500 per day or more in this field. This may seem impossible to some people, but with the right guidance it becomes so much easier. Keenan Williams will share personal experiences as well as give you an overview of what steps are necessary for success in this field that can lead to financial freedom.

The first thing you need to know is that this type of business takes time and patience. It’s not something you can do in a month or two, but depending on your knowledge and experience it may take up to a year before you start making money consistently. If I had the opportunity back then, I would have bought into an online course such as Wealthy Affiliate University where members get all their training for free including hosting which costs $100/month if done yourself otherwise.

Keenan Williams

The next step is probably one of the most important ones: building your very own website around what interests you . You should never use pre-made templates because they will make you look like everyone else out there with nothing unique about them whatsoever (they also aren’t mobile optimized). To start with, you should choose a domain name that is reflective of what your website or blog will be about. For example, I chose to buy the domain “socialmediamillionaire” because this was my goal and it has become quite successful so far since launching in mid-2016 (currently on Page #11 for Google search).

After choosing a unique template that works on all devices as well as building up an email list of at least 500 people within 30 days which can then easily turn into thousands shortly after , you’re ready to start monetizing your site by promoting affiliate products . This means finding relevant products on ClickBank, JVzoo & Warrior Plus where they have done most of the hard work already such as creating pages, optimizing content and many other things.