What They Mean for Your Credit Card Transactions
False declines are a frustrating problem for many people. They can occur when you make an online purchase, and the transaction gets declined by your bank or credit card company. But this is not always what has happened. There are other reasons why false declines happen, which we will go over in this blog post!
For example, there could be a technical glitch with the retailer’s payment system. Or, there might not have been enough money in your checking account to pay for your purchase when it was authorized by the bank or credit card company.
Sometimes false declines happen because of fraud concerns that were raised during an initial authorization process. If you’ve ever experienced this after shopping online, then take note—it doesn’t always mean that someone stole your information! It can also occur because suspicious activity has triggered security measures set up by merchants and financial institutions alike.
The good news is that these situations are often temporary; they should resolve themselves within 24 hours once everything checks out again on both ends (with no negative impact on you). We suggest contacting retailers directly if false declines continue to happen. And in the meantime, keep an eye on your account activity to make sure all of the debits and credits are correct!
In any case, you can also take preventative measures by contacting companies directly to add a secondary billing address or phone number that will be associated with future transactions. This just adds another layer of security for online purchases going forward.
False declines happen when there is some sort of issue between financial institutions and retailers who do not communicate properly leading to declined payments from consumers’ accounts which they have no control over whatsoever. In cases like these where false declines occur due to technical glitches or fraud concerns being raised during an initial authorization process, there should be no negative impact on the consumer’s account.